Price Pledge
The lowest prices guaranteed with our Price Pledge
We know that it's not just the premium quality of our products, but also the price that helps you decide whether or not to purchase from us.
That's why we have always offered the Zipvit Price Pledge. If you find the same product on sale at a lower price we'll refund the difference plus 10%.
Who we Price Pledge against?
We'll price pledge against UK retailers who have been trading for at least three months and have the product ready for dispatch that day.
Is the Price Pledge offered against sale items?
Retailers often run short term sales or promotions using discount codes to boost sales or clear excess stock. Unfortunately we can’t offer the pledge against such promotions, but we're happy to match their listed retail price.
How do I request a Price Pledge?
We keep our prices extremely low, and guarantee not to be beaten on price. If you find a matching product with a lower retail price you can call us on 0800 0282875 to place your order and receive the price pledge discount.
You'll need to let us know the product name, price and details of the website where you found it so we can check the item matches the product sold by Zipvit. A matching product would have the same level of “active” ingredients for example, 1000mg of Vitamin C.